2024 Spring ELC English Activities


Activity Name:2024 English Corner
Registration Time: by Friday noon, May 31.
Sign-up Link:

This activity (4 sessions: 3/19, 3/22, 3/26, 6/4) is organized by English Language Center and sponsored by Tunghai Bilingual Education for Students Project (BEST). Teachers from ELC will share their professional tips on how to prepare for TOEIC tests, Collaborative Troubleshooting, Exchange Student Experience Sharing, and K-pop's Impact on the Global Youth Culture. The teachers will encourage students to practice English in the three English Corner sessions to promote their learning motivation and English skills. Snacks will be provided. Please sign up in advance and sign in at 12:10 in LAN105.



Activity Name:2024 THU Master Chef
Registration Time: By Monday noon, April 22, 2024
Sign-up Link:

The ELC will host a university-wide THU Master Chef in the hopes of providing both local and international students a plat form to interact with each other in a fun and engaging way. The main purpose of this event is to give students a chance to introduce a special dish and at the same time allow students to taste each other’s culture through food.



Activity Name:2024 Spring Movie Nights 春季電影之夜
Activity Date: Tuesday, April 23 at 18:30 
(Check in at 18:00 in LAN007)

Registration Time: by Friday noon, April 19
Sign-up Link:https://event.ithu.tw/2024030038

The ELC teachers will select and play the movie that resonate with university students on April 23 (Tue.) at LAN007. Seats are limited, so sign up for the session as soon as possible. Sign-in starts at 6 pm and dinner will be provided to those who have signed up. The session will start at 6:30 pm. Please come out and participate in this fun and educational activity.


Activity Name:2024 Spring Let the Games Begins! (Table Games)
Activity Date: Tuesday, April 30 at 12:30 (Check in at 12:10 in LAN105)
Registration Time: by Friday noon, April 26
Sign-up Link:https://event.ithu.tw/2024030038

This club is a place for all types of Tunghai students to practice English through playing various table games, like APPLES to APPLES, DIXIT, and PICTIONARY. Don't be afraid to join this party and bring friends, it's just for fun!