[Announcement] New: “Tunghai English Exit Requirement”
- 日期 : 2020-10-23
- 分類 : Curriculum Related
- 點閱 : 704
n 107學年度入學之學生(含轉學生)且修習「大一英文」或「大一英文:語文與溝通」:
Students enrolled at Tunghai University in 2018-2019 academic year (including transfer students), who are taking the “FENM” or “English: Language and Communication” course in 2018-2019 academic year
Ø 107學年度下學期「大一英文」或「大一英文:語文與溝通」期中考及期末考:
“FENM” or “English: Language and Communication” midterm and final exams, spring semester 2018-2019
l 平均成績達前30%(含),且筆試原始成績達54分(總分70分)者,等同於歐洲共同語文參考架構 (CEFR) B1等級,即多益測驗 (TOEIC) 550分或全民英檢測驗 (GEPT) 中級初試。即通過「東海大學英文能力畢業門檻」。
Students are considered achieving English Exit Requirement if they score within the top 30% (average of midterm and final exams), with a minimum grade of 54 out of 70, before the ELC applies the testing curve. It is equivalent to Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) B1 level, i.e., TOEIC score 550 or GEPT Intermediate First Stage.
l 若未達上述標準,則可選擇「替代方案」。
Students who don’t achieve the above criterion can choose taking a 3-credit English elective or other alternatives.
n 104、105、106學年度入學之學生(含轉學生):
Students who were enrolled at Tunghai University in 2015-2018 academic years (including transfer students)
Ø 英文分級測驗:
English Placement Exam
l 達60分(總分100分)者,等同於歐洲共同語文參考架構 (CEFR) B1等級,即多益測驗 (TOEIC) 550分或全民英檢測驗 (GEPT) 中級初試。即通過「東海大學英文能力畢業門檻」。
Students must achieve a score in the English Placement Exam with a minimum grade of 60 out of 100. It is equivalent to Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) B1 level, i.e., TOEIC score 550 or GEPT Intermediate First Stage.
l 若未達60分,則可逕修選修英文或其他替代課程以「替代方案」通過「東海大學英文能力畢業門檻」。
Students who don’t achieve the above criterion can choose taking English elective or other alternatives courses to pass the English Exit Requirement.
The checking application (https://form2.thu.edu.tw/671907) will start from Wednesday, November 28, 2018 to Monday, December 31, 2018. The ELC will announce to pick up the hard copy of proof by email in the early January, 2019.
n 詳情依據「東海大學英文能力畢業門檻實施辦法」與「東海大學英文能力畢業門檻校內考試實施注意事項」為準。(按此下載)
To learn the further information, please check “THU English Exit Requirement Regulations” and “THU In-house Exam Guidelines for the English Exit Requirement”. (Download HERE)
n 各學系如另訂較高之英文能力畢業門檻,則依各學系規定辦理。
For departments setting higher standards for their English Exit Requirement (i.e., higher than the University one -TOEIC: 550 / GETP Intermediate, First Stage), then none of the above regulations applies and accreditation is up to individual departments.
n 英語中心聯絡方式:
Contact us
Ø Phone: 04-23590121 ext. 31901 or 31900
Ø Email: elc@thu.edu.tw
Ø Location: 語文館 (LAN) 106